25,000 Plus Attend Nightly

25,000 Plus Attend Nightly

30,000 Plus Attend Nightly

The people seem to go as far as the eye can see. It is literally a sea of faces. We're talking about the crowds attending The Carter Report campaign in the Lawson Tama Soccer Stadium, the Solomon Islands. The security people tell us that 30,000 plus souls are attending. The audience is growing from night to night. John Carter is preaching Christ with power. The meetings are being advertised around the clock on radio and television. The campaign is the talk of the town. National radio wants to broadcast the messages right across the far-flung nation that consists of a string of tropical islands. The screens are the biggest the country has ever seen. They were professionally constructed by the Solomon Islanders under the supervision of Wayne Boehm, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Mission. The four giant video projectors that light up the giant screens with 50,000 lumens were flown in from the United States. Likewise the PA system was purchased in the USA and air freighted eight and a half thousand miles to Honiara. The Carter Report team thanks God and you for making this miracle possible. John Carter says, "My supporters are God's lifeline to the lost."

Team Defies the Odds as the Power Goes Out

During the rehearsal the power shut down and plunged the stadium into blackness. Our main electrical cable from the city power supply became red hot, and the system responded by throwing the breakers. Our small tech team, David Carter, Bob Ludwig, Donn Beagle and Daniel Burgos went into action. For a while it was touch and go. A huge generator was rushed to the scene but was inadequate to produce the power needed. Our team, after a frantic search, was able to locate and purchase a heavier cable. Just before the opening meeting, the switches were thrown and the equipment came back online. We thanked God.

Father and daughter

Working in Blazing Heat

Honiara is just south of the equator. The sun burns with a tropical intensity. The humidity is high and working outdoors is like sweating in a sauna. For a week our team worked in the soccer field from daylight to dark and beyond, preparing for the meetings. A team of Solomon Islanders worked with them and together they got the job done. John Carter told them, "You are the best team I have seen anywhere, anytime, in the world." Pastor Harold Harker, retired church leader, is the manager of the campaign and works around the clock.

Riots and Unrest

Honiara, sometime back, was torn apart by riots. Gangs roamed the streets and torched buildings. Gunfire terrified the inhabitants. At the request of the Solomon Islands government, Australia sent a warship and troops. Even today Honiara is patrolled by Australian and New Zealand police officers. These meetings powered by the Holy Spirit have the capacity to transform the whole Solomon Island society. We are witnessing God at work.

Please write now to John Carter, PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358, USA. In Australia write to John Carter, PO Box 861, Terrigal, NSW, 2246, Australia

Half the audience is under 20 years of age.

10,000 Bibles Finally Arrive BY Ship

The Bibles we purchased in the USA have finally arrived. Many of the beautiful people here are poor and can't afford a copy of God's Word. Half the audience is under 20 years of age. They need Bibles more than food.


We are Amazed

The Solomon Island singers are the best we have heard anywhere. They sing like angels. They are warm, courteous, and extremely talented. We have two different groups every night. Last Sabbath morning Pastor Harker preached to an audience of 7,000 believers and a great choir sang, "Jerusalem." We got goose bumps.

Carter Report Pays the Bills… All of Them

There was no suitable PA system on the island so we spent $35,000.00 in the USA buying one. There were no video projectors in Honiara, so we sent ours from Los Angeles, four of them. The airfreight alone cost $30,000.00. There was no hall big enough for the crowd so we hired the national outdoor soccer stadium. Right now we must raise $200,000.00 to keep the Gospel fire burning. Please write now, this is urgent.

Hold out the lifeline

Hold Out the Lifeline

The skeptics said it couldn't be done, but it is happening. God honors faith, and God is bringing thousands of lost souls to salvation. Please hold out the lifeline by supporting The Carter Report, a faith ministry, by your prayers and offerings. Someone may want to send $100,000.00. Someone else may be moved to send $10,000.00. Of equal importance, someone else may send $100.00 or maybe $20.00. All can do something and we all need to do it now. Write now to: John Carter, PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, CA, 91358. Or, in Australia, write to: John Carter, PO Box 861, Terrigal, NSW 2246.

Pray for our Team

Pray for our Team

John Carter, David Carter, Donn Beagle, Bob Ludwig, Javier Piraino, Susan Piraino, Harold Harker, Daniel Burgos, Carlos Leon, Sharon Verde, Wayne Boehm, Carol Boehm, Jacob Boehm, Brady Boehm, plus the local pastors, laymen and prayer warriors.

25,000 Plus Attend Nightly

30,000 Plus Attend Nightly

The people seem to go as far as the eye can see. It is literally a sea of faces. We're talking about the crowds attending The Carter Report campaign in the Lawson Tama Soccer Stadium, the Solomon Islands. The security people tell us that 30,000 plus souls are attending. The audience is growing from night to night. John Carter is preaching Christ with power. The meetings are being advertised around the clock on radio and television. The campaign is the talk of the town. National radio wants to broadcast the messages right across the far-flung nation that consists of a string of tropical islands. The screens are the biggest the country has ever seen. They were professionally constructed by the Solomon Islanders under the supervision of Wayne Boehm, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Mission. The four giant video projectors that light up the giant screens with 50,000 lumens were flown in from the United States. Likewise the PA system was purchased in the USA and air freighted eight and a half thousand miles to Honiara. The Carter Report team thanks God and you for making this miracle possible. John Carter says, "My supporters are God's lifeline to the lost."

Team Defies the Odds as the Power Goes Out

During the rehearsal the power shut down and plunged the stadium into blackness. Our main electrical cable from the city power supply became red hot, and the system responded by throwing the breakers. Our small tech team, David Carter, Bob Ludwig, Donn Beagle and Daniel Burgos went into action. For a while it was touch and go. A huge generator was rushed to the scene but was inadequate to produce the power needed. Our team, after a frantic search, was able to locate and purchase a heavier cable. Just before the opening meeting, the switches were thrown and the equipment came back online. We thanked God.

Father and daughter

Working in Blazing Heat

Honiara is just south of the equator. The sun burns with a tropical intensity. The humidity is high and working outdoors is like sweating in a sauna. For a week our team worked in the soccer field from daylight to dark and beyond, preparing for the meetings. A team of Solomon Islanders worked with them and together they got the job done. John Carter told them, "You are the best team I have seen anywhere, anytime, in the world." Pastor Harold Harker, retired church leader, is the manager of the campaign and works around the clock.

Riots and Unrest

Honiara, sometime back, was torn apart by riots. Gangs roamed the streets and torched buildings. Gunfire terrified the inhabitants. At the request of the Solomon Islands government, Australia sent a warship and troops. Even today Honiara is patrolled by Australian and New Zealand police officers. These meetings powered by the Holy Spirit have the capacity to transform the whole Solomon Island society. We are witnessing God at work.

Please write now to John Carter, PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358, USA. In Australia write to John Carter, PO Box 861, Terrigal, NSW, 2246, Australia

Half the audience is under 20 years of age.

10,000 Bibles Finally Arrive BY Ship

The Bibles we purchased in the USA have finally arrived. Many of the beautiful people here are poor and can't afford a copy of God's Word. Half the audience is under 20 years of age. They need Bibles more than food.


We are Amazed

The Solomon Island singers are the best we have heard anywhere. They sing like angels. They are warm, courteous, and extremely talented. We have two different groups every night. Last Sabbath morning Pastor Harker preached to an audience of 7,000 believers and a great choir sang, "Jerusalem." We got goose bumps.

Carter Report Pays the Bills… All of Them

There was no suitable PA system on the island so we spent $35,000.00 in the USA buying one. There were no video projectors in Honiara, so we sent ours from Los Angeles, four of them. The airfreight alone cost $30,000.00. There was no hall big enough for the crowd so we hired the national outdoor soccer stadium. Right now we must raise $200,000.00 to keep the Gospel fire burning. Please write now, this is urgent.

Hold out the lifeline

Hold Out the Lifeline

The skeptics said it couldn't be done, but it is happening. God honors faith, and God is bringing thousands of lost souls to salvation. Please hold out the lifeline by supporting The Carter Report, a faith ministry, by your prayers and offerings. Someone may want to send $100,000.00. Someone else may be moved to send $10,000.00. Of equal importance, someone else may send $100.00 or maybe $20.00. All can do something and we all need to do it now. Write now to: John Carter, PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, CA, 91358. Or, in Australia, write to: John Carter, PO Box 861, Terrigal, NSW 2246.

Pray for our Team

Pray for our Team

John Carter, David Carter, Donn Beagle, Bob Ludwig, Javier Piraino, Susan Piraino, Harold Harker, Daniel Burgos, Carlos Leon, Sharon Verde, Wayne Boehm, Carol Boehm, Jacob Boehm, Brady Boehm, plus the local pastors, laymen and prayer warriors.


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