
Dear Friend,

Have you ever heard of the Solomon Islands?  American and Australian soldiers fought there during the Second World War.  Thousands gave their lives.

Dear Friend,

Have you ever heard of the Solomon Islands?  American and Australian soldiers fought there during the Second World War.  Thousands gave their lives.

Before the Battle of Guadalcanal, there was another battle just as desperate and dangerous.  It was the battle our brave missionaries fought against devil-worship and cannibalism.  No place anywhere in the world was more entrenched in Heathenism with its depraved practices than the Solomons.  The people actually worshipped evil spirits.  They ate their enemies.  In their Heathen state, they would eat you too, given half a chance.  It was to these beautiful tropical isles, shrouded in the darkness of demons, that men and women from Australia came bearing the cross of Christ.  They landed on stunningly beautiful beaches where the tropical air was perfumed with the scent of exotic flowers, but cursed with the dreaded malaria carrying mosquitoes.

Today after blood, sweat and tears, tens of thousands in the Solomons call Jesus “Lord.”  Tens of thousands still, however, remain in darkness, fearing the demons and ensnared in Satan’s deceptions.

God willing, this September, we are going to Honiara, capital of the Solomon Islands. It is our plan to conduct a giant outdoor evangelistic campaign.  We confidently expect between 10,000 and 15,000 souls every night.  OUR AIM:  BY GOD’S GRACE, TO OPEN THE EYES OF THOSE IN DARKNESS, TO SMASH THE POWER OF THE DEMONS, TO RELEASE THE CAPTIVES AND TO PROCLAIM THE YEAR OF THE LORD’S FAVOR.

This could be our greatest challenge yet.  We are going to a place where the devil is barefaced and where the people by personal experience know the reality of miracle working demons.  Many also, unlike the days before our missionaries, know the reality of a great God who loves them.

Please support us in this great South Seas Mission Outreach. We need to do all we can to raise at least $250,000.00 for the great “Solomon Islands Campaign for Christ and souls.”

Would you like to come and see for yourself the power of God at work overthrowing the works of the devil? We are seeking volunteers who want to be involved in a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  Please contact us and discover how you can be part of the team.  Please be God’s missionary to the Solomon Islands by helping us raise the Mission Budget of $250,000.00.  Your gift and donation will definitely win souls to Christ.  I confidently believe that a mighty spiritual fire is about to sweep through these South Pacific islands.  We invite you to be part of our prayer team.  Please do your very best for Jesus to win souls to Him.  Remember our goal:  BY GOD’S GRACE, TO OPEN THE EYES OF THOSE IN DARKNESS, TO SMASH THE POWER OF DEMONS, TO RELEASE THE CAPTIVES, AND TO PROCLAIM THE YEAR OF THE LORD’S FAVOR.  Please write to me today.  Please be my faith partner as together we allow Christ to use us to build His kingdom in the faraway islands of the Solomons.

I do need to hear from you.  Thank you in Christ’s name.  May God bless you over and beyond all you can ask or think.

Yours in Christ,

John Carter

The Carter Report, Inc.

Click Here for the June DVD Special

P.S. When you send your gift of faith, please request my DVD entitled, “Jim and John — John Carter Talks to Jim Gilley” (Please quote this number when requesting your DVD:  LW1109*).  Please write today. *All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible as defined by U.S. Treasury regulations.  The fair market value of my DVD is $15.00 and all tax-deductible receipts will be in accordance with U.S. Treasury regulations.  The DVD is a gift to you, but according to the tax laws of the IRS is not tax-deductible. The market value is $15.00 and your receipt will reflect the tax requirements of the IRS.

URGENT UPDATE! We need to order 5,000 Bibles at $10.00 each.  Would you like to help?


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